Leamington athletics coach receives replica to commemorate his baton relay run for the Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022

Les Barnett  carries the baton on the Stratford leg of the Queen's Baton Relay for the Birmingham  2022 Commonwealth Games. Picture supplied.Les Barnett  carries the baton on the Stratford leg of the Queen's Baton Relay for the Birmingham  2022 Commonwealth Games. Picture supplied.
Les Barnett carries the baton on the Stratford leg of the Queen's Baton Relay for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. Picture supplied.
Les Barnett, 81, carried the baton on the Stratford leg of the relay in July and has been waiting with excitement to receive a scaled-down replica of the iconic sceptre, which was delivered to his house this week.

A Leamington athletics coach has received a gift to commemorate his participation in The Queen’s Baton relay in the run up to the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games earlier this year.

Les Barnett, 81, a coach at Leamington C&AC, was selected as a baton bearer to carry the iconic sceptre - which he did on the Stratford leg of the event in July.

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Since then he has been waiting with excitement to receive a scaled-down replica of the baton, which was delivered to his house this week.